Gunnars uvildige brevkasse |
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Ham selv |
Dato: |
Torsdag d. 11. maj 2006 12:12:53 |
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Opgave med kongerækken løst. Svar sendt via E-mail. Belønning til mig: Plankeværket over til vores venlige nabo skal males samt terrasen og køkkenvinduerne. Det vil tage ca. 2 timer for en prof. og en hel dag for mig. For hvem, der måtte være helt vild med den danske kongerække, kan jeg fortælle, at jeg har sat den ind her på min hjemmeside. Du kan finde den under "I Rygelokalet"/"Afstemning". Det var det sted, der var bedst plads. kh. Ham selv. |
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Peter |
Dato: |
Onsdag d. 10. maj 2006 20:54:03 |
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Hej du gamle! Her er en udfordring. Du skal gengive kongerækken fra år 958. Hvor Gorm den gamle stillede træskoene. Hvis du kommer med det rigtige svar udløser det 2 timers hjælp til et eller andet du nu end måtte have brug for :-) . Du har til og med fredag til at komme med svaret...Og her hjælper det ikke med et link til en eller anden smart hjemmeside..Næhh jeg vil have det på skrift, gerne som e-mail. Venlig hilsen Peter |
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Morten Nysten |
Dato: |
Onsdag d. 10. maj 2006 08:23:25 |
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Gunnar til eleven... - "Du har de samme fejl i din diktat som din sidemand har. Hvordan kan det være?" - "Vi har samme lærer...?" |
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Morten Nysten |
Dato: |
Onsdag d. 10. maj 2006 08:20:14 |
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Else stod i kø med sin datter lige bag en meget kraftig dame. Pludselig gik den kraftige dames personsøger i gang med at bippe og datteren sagde: "Pas på mor! Hun bakker." |
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Morten Nysten |
Dato: |
Tirsdag d. 9. maj 2006 12:55:54 |
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Gunnar beder om en returbillet på Århus station. "Hvortil?" spørger billetdamen. "Hertil, naturligvis" svarer Gunnar. |
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Morten Nysten |
Dato: |
Tirsdag d. 9. maj 2006 12:54:58 |
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Gunnar ville i biografen og købte en billet. Lidt efter kom han og købte en ny billet, og sådan blev han ved. Hvorfor køber du hele tiden billetter?, spørger kassedamen. Jo, der står en mand henne ved indgangen, og han bliver ved med at rive dem i stykker. |
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Dave |
Dato: |
Mandag d. 8. maj 2006 19:44:04 |
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Gunnar, beware! We thought no-one would want to buy our club, as we had few fans and no-one liked us. Once the Norwegian owners realised that they had made a very expensive mistake, they stripped it of all remaining assets and sold it on the condition it could be moved. The FA were were persuaded that it was a case of moving, or closing down, so they gave permission. We then refused to watch the team so it went bankrupt! The club was then sold for £1 (yes just one pound!), and has since been re-formed as MK Dons. This meant that a new club was born and raised within the league, and did not have to qualify for its place in the league. This is similar to the American way of 'franchising' a club and moving it anywhere the owner wishes. It goes against all our historic values that a football club belongs to its community. We have 92 League clubs in England and many more semi-professional clubs below (approx. 650 clubs enter the FA Cup every year). There are few towns or villages that do not have a team. I hold the belief that a football club should belong to the fans, and that is why I hold shares in my new club. The shares are worthless, as we have a constitution that will never allow it to be sold to any individual, or business, so what has happened to us can never happen again. I rather like it that way. I hope and pray that this never happens again to any club. |
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Morten Nysten |
Dato: |
Mandag d. 8. maj 2006 09:13:24 |
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Bundeskanzler Schröder will sich einen neuen Audi A8 kaufen. Er geht ins Autohaus. Ihm fehlt ein Euro. Er sucht sich auf der Straße einen Penner: "Hej, kannst Du mir einen Euro borgen?" "Wofür brauchst Du den?" "Ich will mir einen Audi A8 kaufen!" "Hier hast Du zwei Euro. Bring mir auch einen mit!" |
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Gunnar |
Dato: |
Søndag d. 7. maj 2006 12:22:40 |
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To David, Thank you for your retrospect of events in your footballclub(s). In it you also mention the possibility of someone buying AGF and moving it to Hjorring. This will never happen for the simple reason that nobody would buy the club. Gunnar |
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David |
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Søndag d. 7. maj 2006 00:08:23 |
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Today I have taken a great deal of satisfaction from a football team's relegation. On May 28th 2002 my beloved team, Wimbledon FC, was taken from me (and many others). The English Football Association agreed that they could be sold to a man that wanted to move the club about a hundred miles away to Milton Keynes. This is a football club that I grew up with, and loved like a member of my own family. On that day in May, my football club died, and I mourned its death. A week or so later I joined a meeting, at Wimbledon's community hall, where we agreed to form a new club AFC (A Fan's Club) Wimbledon. We would start at the 9th level of English football, and our aim was to climb as high as possible. We failed to win this year's play-off, but have reached the 7th level by promotion in each of the last 2 years. Today, Milton Keynes Dons were justly relegated to the 4th Division of English football. Now only 2 divisions sit between us, and it feels a little better. I have tried to forgive the actions of that club, and the administrators at the FA, but I can't. They stole my club. As a football fan I have one ambition left - to overtake Milton Keynes, so the real Wimbledon can rise again, and take its rightful place back in the 4 Divisions of English league football. My new club is better and stronger for these beliefs, and we are having a fantastic time, but until we see justice done, we will never rest. I hope you can forgive me for this 'rant', and perhaps raise a glass to AFCW's success and MK's demise. I'll leave you with one thought. Imagine that someone decided that they would buy AGF, and move it to Hjorring. It puts the disappointment of relegation into perspective. They are still 'our' club whatever division they play in. I hope that will always be the case. |
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