.: Gunnars Brevkasse :.
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Navn:  Cecilie 
Dato:  Torsdag d. 31. maj 2007 11:03:23 
Email:  prbrcr@mail.dk 
Besked:  Hej FarFar, det er rart at du skriver om dig selv. Kærlig hilsen Cecilie  

Navn:  Morten Nysten 
Dato:  Tirsdag d. 22. maj 2007 08:25:05 
Email:  morten@vvscomfort.dk 
Besked:  It was a sunny morning, a little before 8.00am, on the first hole of a busy course, and I was beginning my pre-shot routine, visualizing my upcoming shot when a piercing voice came over the clubhouse loud speaker, Would the gentleman on the woman's tee back up to the men's tee please!" I could feel every eye on the course looking at me. I was still deep in my routine, seemingly impervious to the interruption. Again the announcement, "Would the man on the woman's tee kindly back up to the men's tee." I simply ignored the guy and kept concentrating, when once more, the Man yelled, "Would the man on the woman's tee back up to the men's tee, please!" I finally stopped, turned, cupped my hands and shouted back: "Would the asshole with the microphone kindly keep quiet and let me play my second shot!"  

Navn:  Dave 
Dato:  Søndag d. 13. maj 2007 19:29:24 
Email:  david.lancaster18@btinternet.com 
Besked:  Gunnar, I hope you went to the game today, and enjoyed it. KOM SÅ DE HVIIII!  

Navn:  Peter 
Dato:  Lørdag d. 5. maj 2007 09:05:22 
Email:  peterfosgerau@hotmail.com 
Besked:  Så går det løs igen! KOM SÅ DE HVIIII 

Navn:  Peter 
Dato:  Søndag d. 29. april 2007 21:05:59 
Email:  peterfosgerau@hotmail.dk 
Besked:  Se lige dette! http://www.tv2regionerne.dk/reg2005/player.aspx?id=362106&r=7  

Navn:  Peter 
Dato:  Søndag d. 29. april 2007 18:19:40 
Email:  peterfosgerau@hotmail.com 

Navn:  Peter 
Dato:  Onsdag d. 18. april 2007 07:26:47 
Email:  fosgerau@hotmail.com 
Besked:  Faldte lige over denne her! http://www.silkeborg-bibliotek.dk/om-silkeborg/gadenavne/rasmussen/6_piphoej.html  

Navn:  The Old Man Himself 
Dato:  Tirsdag d. 17. april 2007 10:12:42 
Email:  post@gunnarrasmussen.dk 
Besked:  Hello David, Thank you for you kind words about my book. Glad that you and Emma enjoyed it. Gunnar  

Navn:  David 
Dato:  Mandag d. 16. april 2007 21:55:52 
Besked:  Hi All, Have just returned from Florida to see that AGF have had a good start to the 2nd half of the season - great news! My English team have had the ridiculous removal of 18 points reduced to a more reasonable 3 points, so promotion is now possible and I'm very happy about that too. You may be interested to know that I took the English translation of a fascinating book about the life of a 'Great Dane' on holiday with me. I found it a truly excellent read, and learned many new things about a man I've known virtually all my life. I am very grateful that the translation was provided, and deeply honoured to receive a mention in the book of his life. So Gunnar, I thank you for thinking of us, and maybe one day I can spend some time on the original and read a little more! I was also very pleased to catch my 10-year-old daughter reading it on the plane home, and she enjoyed it very much. Thanks again, David  

Navn:  Peter 
Dato:  Tirsdag d. 10. april 2007 06:45:32 
Email:  fosgerau@hotmail.com 
Besked:  Yes...De Hviii vandt 2-0, jeg håber vi er på vej tilbage til suppen! KOM SÅ DE HVIII  

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Fredag 252+5 2018
Med fare for at det hele ender  elendig gang vrøvl vover jeg genoptage dagbgogsskriverierne.
Jeg er ligd hjemvendt fra et højst traumatiserende. Jeg var indlagt siden søndag. Aldrig  mit liv har jeg jeg været så bange. Jeg kan ikke beskrive det. Nu håber jeg på fremgang.

Gunnar Rasmussens Hjemmeside
e-mail: gr@surfmail.dk